
The UW Cytotechnology Program is currently undergoing a transition to a new sponsor within the University of Wisconsin System and is not accepting new students at this time. We are collaborating with UW-Milwaukee, UW-Green Bay, UW-Platteville, and UW-La Crosse to continue offering pathways in Cytology.

To stay informed about the program’s future and receive updates on application openings, please fill out our interest survey or contact us at with any questions.


The program runs from August to August, spanning fall and spring semesters, and the summer term. The 2023-2024 academic year program begins with orientation activities beginning August 14, 2023, and classroom instruction beginning September 6, 2023. Summer instruction ends August 13, 2024. The program calendar includes a 2-week winter break (spanning Christmas and New Year’s holiday observances) and 1-week spring break. Our classroom is located at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, on Henry Mall.

Required textbooks are provided (eBook or paper).

During the fall and spring semesters, the 38-hour weeks consist of lectures, discussions, weekly written and microscopic quizzes, and approximately 25 hours of microscopy. Students complete a series of comprehensive examinations aimed at testing their knowledge of cytopathology at the end of the second term.

The summer term is devoted to supervised microscopy of clinical specimens. Students continue to develop and improve their microscopic skills and diagnostic acumen. Students also rotate through various clinical settings associated with the practice of clinical cytology, which provides practical experience in the areas of advanced laboratory procedures, quality assurance, and cytogenetics.

Advanced Placement

There is currently no option for advanced placement, or counting outside coursework toward program requirements.

Minimum Expectations

The goal of the University of Wisconsin Cytotechnology program is to prepare competent entry-level cytotechnologists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. Beyond the entry-level competencies, our program additionally expects our students to achieve competence in cytogenetics, molecular testing, immunohistochemistry, laboratory management, application of primary research literature to clinical practice, and science communication.

Basic Cytology and Laboratory Procedures 1
The Female Genital System 8
Clinical Practice I 1
The Genitourinary System 2
The Respiratory System 3
The Breast 1
The Gastrointestinal System 3
Seminar in Clinical Cytology 1
Effusions 2
The Central Nervous System 1
Miscellaneous Systems 3
Applied Cytology I 1
Advanced Laboratory Procedures 1
Seminar in Clinical Cytogenetics 1
Seminar in Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance 1
Applied Cytology II 1
Clinical Practice II 8